By selecting the Scoresheet Tab (Step 2) you have the ability to enter assignment scores. When entering scores, the value must match the type of score to what you set up when you created the assignment. Eg: enter a number for points and percentage scores or enter letters for letter grades. Scores can be entered individually or entered using a quick entry method (see Notes at the end of this guide).


1. Launch Gradebook and select a class. The Form 3 Creative Technology class is being used in this example.

2. Select the Scoresheet tab.

3. Select the correct Reporting Term. In this example Quarter 3 is being used to enter scores.

4. In the Scoresheet tab, in Assignments mode, all students are listed vertically on the left, with assignments stacked horizontally on the right. Use the scrollbars provided to scroll between the different students and assignments listed.


5. Entering and updating scores is easy. Simply click in one of the cells provided to enter/modify a score for a particular student and assignment.

Note: Once a cell has been selected you can also use the directional arrows on your keyboard to move left, right, up and down between cells for students and assignments.

6. If your Grade Setup has been completed correctly you will see letter grades and percentages appear in the Final Grade section. These will change as you continue to update student scores. If you cannot see a letter grade or percentage, you will need to configure the Grade Setup Tab.

7. Make sure you save your changes regularly by clicking the Save button in the bottom right-hand corner of the window as you add, update and edit scores. Steps 1-7 should be completed for every class in your Gradebook.

Note: Quick entry methods

EX - marks an assignment Exempt 

• (=) - assigns the maximum points possible 

MI or (/) - marks an assignment missing  

LT or (*) - marks an assignment late 

COL or (.) - marks an assignment collected 

Right Click on Assignment Name cell and choose Fill Scores to mass fill a specific score


1. Launch Gradebook and select a class

2. Select the Scoresheet tab

3. Select the correct Reporting Term

4. Use the scrollbars to scroll between the different students and assignments

5. Use the Scoresheet cells to enter/modify scores

6. Final Grades for the term/semester will be calculated

7. Click the Save button in the bottom right-hand corner regularly to save scores entered