Use this guide to set up assignments at the beginning of a school term or at any time during a school term. Assignments can be created inside the Scoresheet Tab as well as the Assignment Tab. This guide outlines how to create a new assignment using the Assignment Tab.

Note: The Final Grade that appears next to the student’s name on the Scoresheet reflects a calculated grade for the assignments that have already been scored - it ignores assignments that have not yet been scored.


1. Launch Gradebook and select a class. This example will use the Form 3 Creative Technology class.

2. Select the Assignments tab

3. Select the correct Reporting Term. In this example assignments will be created for Quarter 3.

4. Click the ‘+’ sign at the bottom of the application screen to create a new assignment.

Note: Assignments can also be created directly from the Scoresheet tab. When in Scoresheet view simply click on the ‘+’ sign to create a new assignment.

5. Give the assignment a Name and Abbreviation and select an appropriate Category for the assignment.

6. Specify the Points Possible and Date Due for the assignment.

Note: It is EXTREMELY important to make sure that the Date Due falls within the Start and End date of the Reporting Term. If the Date Due is set to a date outside of the Reporting Term, then the assignment will not count toward the Final Grade for that Term. Also, the assignment will not be listed in the assignment table for that term.

7. Click Save to finalize your changes.

8. Repeat Steps 1-7 for all of the new class assignments, assessments, tests and exams for the current term. You should end up with a list that looks something like the one below.

Note: Steps 1-8 must be completed for every class in the Reporting Term. Assignments can be created individually, one by one, for each class. Alternatively, the Copy Assignments function can be used in instances where Teachers use the same assessments for multiple classes. Please refer to the EdTech Knowledge Base article named: Copying Assignments from one Class to Another for more details.


1. Launch Gradebook and select a class

2. Select the Assignments tab

3. Select the correct Reporting Term

4. Click the ‘+’ sign to create a new assignment

5. Click OK to save your changes

6. Give the assignment a Name, Abbreviation and a Category

7. Click Save to finalize your changes

8. Repeat Steps 1-7 for all new assignments