Throughout the term you should be consistently updating your GradeBook. At the end of each term you should take care to ensure that Assignments (also referred to as ‘Assessments’ in PowerSchool) and individual scores entered for each student are accurate and up-to-date. The Final Grade that appears next to the student’s name on the Scoresheet reflects a calculated value only for the assignments that have already been scored.

Note: Before you can finalize scores at the end of each term you should have already reviewed the Start of Term Checklist and should also be proficient in Working with Assessments.


Assessment Scores (usually referred to as ‘Assignment Scores’ in GradeBook) should be entered, checked and verified in EVERY class to make sure that they are correct.

1. Launch GradeBook and select a class. I will use the Form 3 Creative Technology class in this example.

2. Select the Scoresheet tab.

3. Select the correct Reporting Term. In this example we will be entering scores for Quarter 3.

4. In the Scoresheet tab, in Assignments mode, all students are listed vertically on the left, with assignments stacked horizontally on the right. Use the scrollbars provided to scroll between the different students and assignments listed.

5. Entering and updating scores is easy. Simply click in one of the cells provided to enter/modify a score for a particular student for a particular assignment.

NOTE: Once a cell has been selected you can also use the directional arrows on your keyboard to move left, right, up and down between cells for students and assignments. 

6. If your Grade Setup has been completed correctly you will see letter grades and percentages appear and change as you continue to update student scores. If you cannot see a letter grade or percentage, you will need to refer to the Gradebook End of Term Process and Configure the Grade Setup Tab properly. You can also check to make sure that you have the correct Reporting Term and Class selected.

7. Be sure to Save your changes regularly as you add, update and edit scores. Steps 1-7 should be completed for every class in your Gradebook.


1. Login and launch Gradebook and then select a Class

2. Select the Scoresheet tab

3. Select the correct Reporting Term

4. Use the scrollbars to scroll between the different students and assignments

5. Enter and update scores by selecting one of the cells in the assignment column

6. End of Term Grades will appear in the Final Grade section of GradeBook

7. Save your changes regularly.