The best place to print attendance rolls is from the Reports tab in Gradebook. Trying to print attendance rolls from PowerSchool can be problematic so we encourage both Administrators and Teachers alike to print hard copy attendance rolls directly from the Gradebook application. Teachers can do this themselves using their Gradebook login. Office Administrators can do this on their behalf using PT Administrator. Please see the guide below for step by step instructions.
NOTE: If you are a teacher, please go straight to Step 4. Steps 1-3 relate to School Administrators only.
1. From the PowerSchool Start Page, click on the link named PT Administrator in the left-hand navigation pane.
2. Navigate to the PT Administrator window and select Administrator Login from the Gradebook Tab.
3. If you have access to multiple schools, select the desired School. Then select the desired Teacher. Those with access to only one school will simply need to select a teacher. When you have made the correct selection, click Launch Gradebook.
4. When Gradebook opens, select the desired Class. Then click on Reports.
5. Next, click on the report named Attendance Grid. Double click the words Attendance Grid or click on the Arrow to open the Attendance Grid report settings.
6. If you want to print an Attendance Grid for the current class only, then leave Sections on the option named Selected Class. If you want to print an Attendance Grid for all of the classes at once, then select the option named Active Classes. I will print a report for all classes in this example.
7. Usually you can leave all the other report options at their default settings. To choose a specific date range however, use the Start and End dates provided. In this example I want to print an Attendance Grid for all of April.
8. Adjust any other settings that you wish to adjust on both the Criteria and Layout tabs. When you are satisfied with your report settings click on the Run Report button.
9. It may take a minute or so to generate the report depending on your internet connection. You will see a Generating Report message while the system is running.
10. Once complete you will see a dialog box like the one shown below. Select Open Report and click OK.
11. A PDF version of the report will open automatically. Print and/or Save the report as desired.