Course Registration is the second major phase of the Scheduling & Enrolment process and focuses on gathering course request data. It is the process by which students “select their electives” or “register their interest” for courses for the upcoming school year.

NOTE: Phase Two (Course Registration) is only required of schools that have student elective choices for the upcoming school year. Because of this, only High Schools are required to conduct the Course Registration phase. Middle Schools and Primary Schools can ignore this phase completely. For students moving from a Middle School to a High School in the upcoming school year, the receiving school should facilitate the Course Registration process.

Historically, this information has been gathered using paper forms. With the introduction of PowerSchool, students are still required to fill out paper forms (signed by parents) but are now also required to submit their “Course Requests” online, via the PowerSchool database. The “Course Request” data in PowerSchool can then be used to track, manage and analyse requests. This data helps schools make more informed decisions about scheduling and enrolment for the upcoming school year.

The key sub-phases of Course Registration include:

NOTE: It is suggested that Phase Two is initiated on or before 1 August and that Course Registration information is collected from RETURNING STUDENTS no later than 31 August. The earlier this phase is started and completed the better.


Review the "Phase Two Guide"

Task Steward: School SEC

Key Resource: FreshDesk

Take time as the School SEC to review the FreshDesk article titled: Phase Two Scheduling Guide Course Registration (JUL-AUG).

Review the "Course Registration Process Outline"

Task Steward: School SEC

Key Resource: MS PowerPoint

Take time as the School SEC to review the Powerpoint presentation titled: "Course Registration Process Outline". A copy of this presentation is stored on Microsoft Teams in the "General" folder found here.

Review "Course Registration Dates and Deadlines"

Task Steward: School SEC

Key Resource: Google Forms

Take time as a committee to plan and discuss key dates and deadlines related to the Course Registration phase. Use the Google Form found here to review key dates. 

Submit "Course Registration Dates and Deadlines"

Task Steward: School SEC

Key Resource: Google Forms

Submit key dates and deadlines related to the Course Registration phase. Use the Google Form found here to submit this information. 


Develop MS Word versions of "Course Registration Forms"

Task Steward: School SEC

Key Resource: MS Word

Using the information collected from the "Course Offering Proposal", work as an SEC to develop Microsoft Word versions of the "Course Registration Form" for each year level that requires students to make course selections. Generally speaking, Course Registration Forms should not deviate greatly from the format and structure of the sample form provided in the "Enrolment Pack".

A copy of the "Course Registration Form TEMPLATE" can be downloaded from Microsoft Teams by going to the "SCH - Scheduling and Enrolment" team and navigating to: General > Files > Enrolment Packs. Alternatively you can follow the direct link found here. Select the language version you would like to download by clicking on the appropriate folder and looking for the file named: Course Registration Form TEMPLATE.

Submit "Course Registration Forms" to the Area SEC

Task Steward: School SEC

Key Resource: MS Word

Once the paper versions of the form have been developed, they should be sent to the Area SEC for review and approval. The purpose of this interaction is to ensure that both parties are on the same page, as well as allowing the Area SEC to make any suggestions or updates to the forms based on new or emerging information. The Area SEC is also responsible for configuring the online versions of these forms in PowerScheduler based on the information you submit. Send a copy of each of the completed forms to the Area SEC via email, or upload it directly to Microsoft Teams using your school's appointed communication channel.

Approve "Course Registration Forms"

Task Steward: Area SEC

Key Resource: Email

Take time as an Area SEC to review and approve the "Course Registration Forms". Provide feedback to the school if necessary. Upload the documents to the appropriate MS Teams channel if they have not already been uploaded.

NOTE: Ideally this sub-phase should be completed no later than August 7.


The School SEC and Area EdTech representatives should work closely together on developing the Online Course Registration forms. The School SEC should request help from the Area EdTech Team during this sub-phase on a regular basis.

Review and update the "District Course Catalog"

Task Steward: Area EdTech

Key Resource: SQL Reports

Take time as an Area SEC to make any required changes to the District Course Catalog based on the "Course Offering Proposals" and "Course Registration Forms" received by the school.

Configure "Course Groups"

Task Steward: Area EdTech and/or School SEC

Key Resource: PowerScheduler

Once the paper version of the form has been approved, work to replicate the content and format of the paper version of the forms in the PowerScheduler online portal. There are two major steps to this process. Firstly, make sure that the required Course Groups are setup correctly by going to: Start Page > PowerScheduler > Course Groups.

Configure "Screen Setup"

Task Steward: Area EdTech and/or School SEC

Key Resource: PowerScheduler

Next go to Start Page > PowerScheduler > Screen Setup in order to configure the actual layout of the screens.

Review the "Online Course Registration Forms"

Task Steward: School SEC

Key Resource: PowerScheduler

Once the online forms have been developed, take time as a School SEC to review the Online Course Registration Forms for errors or inaccuracies. Provide feedback if necessary. Navigate to PowerScheduler > Screen Setup and click on each year level to view a sample version of the online form for that grade level.

Review the "Next School Indicator" and "Next Year Grade" fields

Task Steward: Area EdTech

Key Resource: PowerScheduler

Ensure students have the correct "Next School Indicator" selected, as well as the correct "Next Year Grade" populated.

NOTE: The "Schedule this Student" checkbox does NOT need to be populated in order for the Course Registration screens to work. However the "Next School Indicator" and "Next Year Grade" must be set correctly.

Review and setup student credentials

Task Steward: Area EdTech 

Key Resource: PowerSchool

Student credentials should be created for any students that do not yet have a PowerSchool account. Although many students will already have an account, they may have forgotten their password. If schools find that most students have forgotten their passwords, it is recommended that all students have their passwords reset in preparation for online registration. A bulk update of passwords and credentials can be facilitated by the Area SEC on request.

NOTE: If apostrophes exist in usernames, students will be unable to login to the Student Portal. EdTech should work to ensure that apostrophes have been removed from usernames and that new usernames have been allocated to students experiencing problems. Use the Student Search function to identify all students that have an apostrophe in their first or last name. Also use search to identify all students that have an apostrophe in the "student_web_id" field or the "web_id" field. Similarly, search for any "student_web_id" fields that are blank and generate ID's and Passwords.

Print student credentials

Task Steward: School SEC

Key Resource: PowerSchool

Once the credentials have been reviewed and updated, schools should print the credentials in preparation for Online Course Registration. Credentials can be printed from PowerSchool by searching for and selecting a group of students from the Start Page. Once the students have been selected, choose the group function named: Print Mailing Labels. Then select the mailing label named: Student Usernames and Passwords. More detailed instructions about printing student credentials can be found in the FreshDesk article titled Printing Student Credentials.

Test the "Online Course Registration Forms"

Task Steward: School SEC

Key Resource: PowerSchool

The online form should be tested thoroughly before Online Registration officially begins. Typically we would encourage the school to select 5-6 students from each year level to test the form. Admin should aim to ensure that different combinations of subjects work properly and are able to be submitted to the system. Any errors or issues noticed during the testing should be rectified before the official Online Registration day.

Delete online course registration test data (if necessary)

Task Steward: Area EdTech

Key Resource: PowerSchool

If the school has conducted testing properly, "dummy" course registration data will be saved in the PowerSchool Database. The EdTech team should be informed and asked to remove this "dummy" data before Online Course Registration officially begins.

Approve "Online Course Registration Forms"

Task Steward: Area SEC

Key Resource: Email

Once development and testing of the Course Registration Forms has been completed, the Area SEC should review the status of the process and approve the forms for official deployment. The Area SEC should make adjustments and give feedback where necessary.

NOTE: Ideally this sub-phase should be completed no later than August 15.


In simple terms, “Program Marketing” is really about communicating "course options" and "school program" information clearly to teachers, students, and parents. As students prepare to choose their electives for the upcoming school year, they need to understand: what course options are available; what type of content is covered in each course; how those courses could potentially affect their career choices in the future.

Review the "Program Marketing Outline" resource

Task Steward: School SEC

Key Resource: MS PowerPoint

Take time as an SEC to review the "Program Marketing Guidelines". A copy of this presentation can be found here.

Create a "Program Marketing Plan"

Task Steward: School SEC

Key Resource: Google Forms

Take time as a School SEC to develop a simple, yet effective marketing plan keeping in mind that the plan need not be complicated. Take time to think about what to communicate, how to communicate, and when to communicate. Work with HOD’s and other relevant staff to identify courses that require stronger marketing efforts using PLC principles to guide your efforts. Write the plan down. Use the Google Form found here (optional) to help guide your efforts.

NOTE: In some schools, a large communication emphasis may NOT be necessary. In some cases, schools might work more closely with selected groups of students only. For example, the TVET cohort.

Implement the "Program Marketing Plan"

Task Steward: School SEC

Key Resource: N/A

When ready, the School SEC should lead out on implementing the "Program Marketing Plan". Be sure to carefully prepare for any "Workshops", "Course Information Days", or "Counselling Sessions" etc that were scheduled as part of the plan.

NOTE: Ideally this sub-phase should be completed no later than August 15.


Communicate key dates and deadlines

Task Steward: School SEC

Key Resource: N/A

Communicate key dates and deadlines to students and parents. This information may be communicated verbally through school assemblies, loud-speaker announcements, or radio campaigns etc. Alternatively, the school may wish to communicate dates and deadlines via a separate letter to parents, or via the instructions found on the actual Course Registration Form itself. 

Distribute OFFLINE Course Registration forms

Task Steward: School SEC

Key Resource: N/A

Once the school is confident that the Paper Forms and Online Forms have been well written, formatted and tested, the Paper Forms should be distributed with a 'return by' date. Students and parents should be aware that the form is to be reviewed and discussed in the home and then brought back to school on the appropriate day to be used as a reference for Online Registration. The distribution process is often facilitated via Homeroom teachers, where students have the opportunity to ask questions in a smaller group setting. Announcements and form distribution can also occur during assemblies, workshops, or information days. First and foremost make sure that students have the ability to ask questions about forms if and where needed.

Collect OFFLINE Course Registration forms

Task Steward: School SEC

Key Resource: N/A

Offline forms should be collected back to the school within the due dates specified on the forms or via school notices. Alternatively, students may be asked to hold on to the forms and bring them back to school on their appointed "Online" registration day.

NOTE: Ideally this sub-phase should be completed no later than August 22.


Create a Lab Schedule (if necessary)

Task Steward: School SEC

Key Resource: N/A

Coordinate with Teachers to finalize the Lab Schedule for Registration Day. Depending on Lab space and timetable constraints, schools may opt to hold Online Course Registration sessions in a "staggered" approach over multiple days and weeks. Each registration session should take approximately 30 minutes, if conducted with group sizes of 20-25 students. Admin should coordinate with Teachers and Staff to ensure that students are in attendance at the right Lab at the right time. Ideally 3-4 faculty members should be present at each Lab session to help assist students and ensure a smooth process.

NOTE: Schools should work closely with local ICS to ensure that Labs are running smoothly and bandwidth is optimized during the Online Course Registration period. Schools should inform ICS well before the online registration process begins to allow them to plan for supporting and managing the process most effectively.

Communicate Low Internet Usage Policy to Staff

Task Steward: School SEC

Key Resource: N/A

Staff should be informed of how their internet usage can greatly impact the successful running of the Online Registration process. All teachers, students and staff should be encouraged to avoid using most (if not all) websites during certain parts of the day in order to facilitate Online Registration.

Train the ONLINE Course Registration Deployment Team

Task Steward: School SEC

Key Resource: N/A

Provide a training or review session with the Online Registration Deployment Team regarding the Online Registration process. It may be beneficial to run the team members through a "simulation" with a few "test" students.

Initiate ONLINE Course Registration

Task Steward: School SEC

Key Resource: PowerSchool


  • Tell students to bring their completed forms to the Online Registration session
  • Print student credentials using the Mailing Label named: Student Usernames and Passwords
  • Appoint 3-4 supervisors to attend each session
  • Project the Online Registration instructions to a whiteboard or projector screen


  • Invite students into the classroom or lab
  • Hand them their username and password
  • Invite them to find a workstation
  • Ask them to follow the instructions on the projector screen and the directions of the supervisors
  • Encourage the students to discard their username and password ticket, or to take special care with guarding their privacy


  • Retrieve your Username and Password
  • Find a Workstation
  • Login to the Computer and Open the Chrome Browser
  • Type in the Address Bar
  • Login to PowerSchool with your Username and Password
  • Click on the Icon Labelled: Class Registration
  • Fill Out the Form
  • Have a Supervisor Check Your Course Selections
  • Click Submit
  • Sign Out of PowerSchool

Complete ONLINE Course Registration

Task Steward: School SEC

Key Resource: N/A

Work with your staff, faculty and SEC team to work through the process of having every returning student conduct the Online Registration process. Use SQL Reports to track your progress (more about this is explained at the end of this guide in the "Track Your Progress" section).

NOTE: Ideally this sub-phase should be completed no later than August 31.


Collecting Course Registration data from RETURNING students should be the schools first priority, as returning student numbers make up the vast majority of student enrolments. Once the Returning Student Course Registration process is completed (or well underway), schools should work to gather course registration data for transfer students and new entrants also.

Conduct Course Registration for TRANSFER Students

Task Steward: School SEC

Key Resource: PowerSchool

A "Transfer Student" is any student that is already enrolled in a Pacific Church School that will be transferring to another Pacific Church School in the upcoming school year. For example, students moving from a Church Middle School to a Church High School would be considered transfer students. Similarly, students moving from a Church High School on one island, to a Church High School on another island would also be considered a transfer student.

In these cases, it is the responsibility of the school RECEIVING the student in the new year to facilitate the course registration process. Each transfer student should go through the process of OFFLINE Course Registration as well as ONLINE Course Registration just the same as Returning Students. The High Schools receiving the students should appoint a team to visit the "feeder" schools and assist each transfer student through the offline and online processes where applicable. In many schools, Course Registration forms will not be required for Grade 10 if there are no Year 10 electives available. Students transferring between High Schools should approach the receiving school personally to complete the Course Registration process.

Conduct Course Registration for NEW ENTRANTS

Task Steward: School SEC

Key Resource: PowerSchool

A "New Entrant" is any student that is NOT currently enrolled in a Pacific Church School that would like to attend a Church School in the upcoming school year. For example, students from public schools with a desire to attend a Church School in the upcoming school year would be considered a new entrant.

New Entrants should follow the same process as "returning" students and "transfer" students and complete both "offline" and "online" course registration. New Entrant Course Registration timelines and deadlines are typically more flexible than Returning Students or Transferring Students as they represent a much smaller subset of the school population.

NOTE: Ideally this sub-phase should be completed no later than September 30.


Various resources are available to help track the progress of Course Registration for the upcoming school year. School Teams should work to ensure that 90% or more of their returning students have completed Course Registration within the suggested time-frames.

Regularly review the "Summary of Student Requests"

Task Steward: School SEC

Key Resource: SQL Reports

The "Summary of Student Requests" displays a summary of the number of students that have registered and not registered for courses for the upcoming school year. Additional reports listing the names of the students not registered can also be accessed via this report. The School SEC should review this report on a daily and weekly basis during the Course Registration phase to track their progress with collecting course request data. This report can be accessed by School Administrators in PowerSchool at the following location: Start Page > SQL Reports > Scheduling Phase 2 COURSE REGISTRATION > 2.0 Summary of Student Requests.

Review the "Summary of Course Requests" (Optional)

Task Steward: School SEC

Key Resource: SQL Reports

The "Summary of Course Requests" report displays the list of courses offered in the new year, and the number of students that have requested to take that course. This report will be used most extensively during Phase 4, but it may be helpful for administrators to get a clearer picture of how course enrolment numbers are stacking up even at this stage in the scheduling process. More information about how to use this report in provided in Phase 4.

Follow-up missing Course Registration info

Task Steward: School SEC

Key Resource: SQL Reports

As schools review the "Summary of Student Requests" they should use the tools provided in the report to identify the "Non Registered" students on a regular basis. Once identified, these students should be approached quickly and then supported by staff and faculty to get their Course Request data entered in to PowerSchool as soon as possible.

Mass Load Course Requests for Lower Year Levels (if necessary) 

Task Steward: Area EdTech and/or School SEC

Key Resource: PowerScheduler

Students in lower levels not required to participate in Course Registration will need to have their course request data populated in PowerSchool by a PowerSchool administrator. Requests for core subjects can be mass allocated using PowerScheduler. Contact Area EdTech if you need help to mass update the Course Request data for students in lower year levels.

Fix "Course Combo" Student Requests (if necessary) 

Task Steward: Area EdTech and School SEC

Key Resource: PowerScheduler

Sometimes it is easier for schools list a "Course Combo" on a Course Registration form rather that list separate course choices for different terms and programs. When this happens, it is often necessary for the students who selected the "combo course" to have their course requests re-allocated to the actual courses that they will be taking in the upcoming new year. The reallocation of course combo selections is relatively complicated and for this reason it is best to contact Area EdTech to help assist with this process.

Finalize and Close Course Registration

Task Steward: School SEC

Key Resource: PowerScheduler

Work as a School SEC to track, verify, and finalize student course requests. If student request changes are identified during this process, the SEC should work with HR Teachers, Counselors and Committee members to ensure that all necessary changes have been made in a timely manner.

Students and Parents should be issued a due date by which they need to confirm and validate that their course selections are accurate. This is also known as the Course Registration Close Date. No changes to course selections should be permitted after this date. Once the due date has passed, verify student requests for the last time before finalizing the course catalog. Student requests can be verified for a final time by directing parents and students to the public portal or by sending out a summary of their final selection for review and signature.

NOTE: Ideally this sub-phase should be completed no later than September 30.