Phase One focuses on REVIEWING the current situation of the school with the intent to make well-informed predictions and requests for the upcoming school year. Members of the Scheduling and Enrolment Committee will be asked to review and submit data relating to school capacity, curriculum, and course offerings.

The key sub-phases of this phase include:

  • Get Started
  • Review School Capacity
  • Review School Curriculum
  • Analyse Course Offerings

NOTE: It is suggested that Phase One is initiated on or before 1 July and completed no later than 31 July. The earlier this phase is started and completed the better.


Select and engage the "School SEC" (School Scheduling & Enrolment Committee)

Task Steward: Principal

Key Resource: N/A

Select the committee that will oversee the scheduling and enrolment process for the upcoming school year.

NOTE: The School SEC (Scheduling and Enrolment Committee) manages, supervises and executes all aspects of the enrolment and scheduling process. The committee typically consists of a principal or vice-principal, school counsellors, support specialists, relevant HOD’s, assigned teachers and any other staff members who may be required to assist in the process. 

Appoint the "School SEC Chair"

Task Steward: Principal

Key Resource: N/A

Select the SEC chair.

NOTE: The Principal may chair the School SEC or may opt to appoint a committee chair (usually a Vice-Principal) to act as a team leader in managing the various stages of the scheduling process. The principal is still required to oversee the process and provide leadership but may delegate much of the management and decision making to the committee chair. 

Submit the "School SEC Details" to the "Area SEC"

Task Steward: School SEC

Key Resource: Google Forms

Submit the details of the School SEC to the Area SEC.

This information should be submitted via the Google Form found here:

NOTE: The "Area SEC" plays a similar role to the "School SEC" with a key focus on guiding, supporting and assisting the "School SEC". The "Area SEC" is composed of various members of the Area Office Team.

Review the "Scheduling and Enrolment Process Summary"

Task Steward: School SEC

Key Resource: Microsoft Teams

Take time as a newly formed committee to review the powerpoint presentation titled: "Scheduling and Enrolment Overview". This presentation acts as a review and summary of the overall scheduling process and will help to provide context and guidance for the rest of the process.

A copy of this presentation is stored on Microsoft Teams in the "General" folder. A direct link to the folder is also provided here:

Review the "Phase One Scheduling Guide"

Task Steward: School SEC

Key Resource: FreshDesk

Take time as a newly formed committee to review the FreshDesk article titled: "Phase One Scheduling Guide". This guide outlines every key task required for phase one of the scheduling process. The guide is housed on FreshDesk and will be updated periodically as the scheduling process and resources continue to evolve.

A direct link to the guide can be found here:

Review "Key Dates and Deadlines"

Task Steward: School SEC

Key Resource: Google Forms

Take time as a committee to plan and discuss key dates and deadlines related to the scheduling process. Use the Google Form titled "Key Dates and Deadlines" to review calendar dates that the SEC should be planning for.

A direct link to the Google Form is found here:

Submit "Key Dates and Deadlines"

Task Steward: School SEC

Key Resource: Google Forms

Once key dates and deadlines have been discussed and planned as a committee, use the Google Form titled "Key Dates and Deadlines" to submit the scheduling plan.

A direct link to Google Form is found here:


Review the "School Capacity Report"

Task Steward: School SEC

Key Resource: Google Forms

Take time as the School SEC to review the current and future capacity of your school. Use the Google Form titled "School Capacity Report" to review and discuss this information.

A direct link to Google Form is found here:

Submit the "School Capacity Report"

Task Steward: School SEC

Key Resource: Google Forms

After taking time as a committee to review the current and future capacity of your school, use the Google Form titled "School Capacity Report" to submit your report.

A direct link to Google Form is found here:

Approve the "School Capacity Report"

Task Steward: Area SEC

Key Resource: Google Forms

Take time as the Area SEC to review and approve the "School Capacity Report" submitted via Google Forms. Provide feedback to the school if necessary.

The Area SEC can review submissions here:


Review the "Annual Curriculum Report"

Task Steward: School SEC

Key Resource: Google Forms

Take time as the School SEC to conduct a brief review of school curriculum. Use the Google Form titled "Annual Curriculum Report" to review and discuss this information.

A direct link to Google Form is found here:

NOTE: If a curriculum review has been conducted recently, the School SEC should use the information from the recent review to submit their report. It is NOT expected that a comprehensive review be completed at this time. The purpose of this review is to help get the committee thinking about major areas of concern rather than every little detail. Try not to spend too much time on this review - it should be considered more like a "quick review" or "summary" of your current status regarding curriculum.

Submit the "Annual Curriculum Report"

Task Steward: School SEC

Key Resource: Google Forms

After taking time as a committee to conduct a brief review of school curriculum, use the Google Form titled "Annual Curriculum Report" to submit key information.

A direct link to Google Form is found here:

Approve the "Annual Curriculum Report"

Task Steward: Area SEC

Key Resource: Google Forms

Take time as an Area SEC to review and approve the "Annual Curriculum Report" submitted via Google Forms. Provide feedback to the school if necessary.

The Area SEC can review report submissions here:

Collect curriculum software requirements for the ICS Image

Task Steward: Area EdTech Team

Key Resource: Microsoft Teams

Once curriculum requirements have been gathered from the schools, the Area EdTech Team should work with ICS to compile a list of curriculum-related technology needs, and put a plan in place to fill any gaps identified.


Review the "Current Courses by #Enrolled" report

Task Steward: School SEC

Key Resource: SQL Reports

The School SEC should use the "Current Courses by #Enrolled" report to analyze course enrollment numbers for the current year. This report is designed to provide the School SEC with a quick summary of what course enrolment concerns may potentially exist for the upcoming school year. The report highlights courses as follows:

  • Courses marked in GREEN currently have a total enrolment greater than 20 students
  • Courses marked in ORANGE currently have have a total enrolment between 11 and 20 students
  • Courses marked in RED currently have a total enrolment less than 11 students

The "Current Courses by #Enrolled" report can be found by logging in to PowerSchool and navigating to:

Start Page > SQL Reports > Scheduling Phase 1 REVIEW > 1.1 Current Courses by #Enrolled

NOTE: Reviewing the "Current Courses by #Enrolled" report is one of the MOST IMPORTANT steps of the Scheduling and Enrolment Process. Please take a good amount of time as a committee to review this report and map out your course offerings for the new school year. The SEC should take particular note of any courses that are marked RED or ORANGE and be willing to make hard decisions about whether to continue or drop any courses that has low or declining numbers.

Review the "Master Schedule (By Teacher)" report

Task Steward: School SEC

Key Resource: SQL Reports

The School SEC should also take time to review current teacher loads and identify any obvious problem areas that should be addressed in the upcoming school year. The committee should run the "Master Schedule - By Teacher" report to review current teacher loads.

The "Master Schedule - By Teacher" report can be found by logging in to PowerSchool and navigating to:

Start Page > SQL Reports > Master Schedule > Master Schedule - By Teacher

Review MOE Course and Teacher Requirements

Task Steward: School SEC

Key Resource: N/A

Work together as a committee to clearly understand the MINISTRY OF EDUCATION requirements for each year level in the upcoming school year. This discussion does not have to be lengthy, but may require additional time if there are significant MOE changes set to occur in upcoming years. Sample questions that may be asked during this review might include:

  • What courses are compulsory?
  • How many external exams are students required to sit at each year level?
  • What other requirements or restrictions exist that the School and Area should be aware of?
  • Are there any changes to the TVET program?
  • Are any new requirements, courses or curriculum changes planned for the upcoming school year that will have an impact on school operations and courses offered for each year level?

Review DISTRICT OFFICE Course and Teacher Requirements

Task Steward: School SEC

Key Resource: N/A

Work together as a committee to clearly understand the DISTRICT OFFICE requirements for each year level in the upcoming school year. This discussion does not have to be lengthy, but may require additional time if there are significant changes set to occur in upcoming years. Sample questions that may be asked during this review might include:

  • What courses are compulsory?
  • How many external exams are students required to sit at each year level?
  • What other requirements or restrictions exist that the School and Area should be aware of?
  • Are there any changes to the TVET program?
  • Are any new requirements, courses or curriculum changes planned for the upcoming school year that will have an impact on school operations and courses offered for each year level?

Download and Review the "Course Offerings Proposal Template"

Task Steward: School SEC

Key Resource: Microsoft Teams

The "Course Offerings Proposal Template" provides a standard resource for "mapping out" course offerings for the upcoming school year. The School SEC should download a copy of the template and become familiar with the document.

A quick explanation of how to use the template is as follows:

Summary Tab

Use the "Summary" tab to conduct a deeper analysis of the data collected in the "Current Courses by #Enrolled" report. This tab mimics what data would be found on the "Current Courses by #Enrolled" SQL Report.

NOTE: This tab is optional and does not have to be used if the SQL Report version is sufficient for your needs.

Year Level Tabs

Use the individual "Year Level" tabs to map out the course offerings for each year level. For example, use the "Year 12" tab to organize the courses offered for year 12 into various "Sections" or "Categories" such as COMPULSORY courses, EXTERNAL EXAM courses, CERTIFICATION courses, or GENERAL courses etc.

NOTE: A "Sample Year 12 Tab" has been provided in the template to give you an idea of how to "map out" your course offerings. Each "Section" lists the name of the course as well as the estimated enrolment numbers for that course for the upcoming school year. Also note that we label the various "Categories" as "Sections" because "Section" is a key word that is used later in the scheduling process.

Other Notes Tab

Use the "Other Notes" tab to record additional notes about course offerings that may be required for future reference or review.

The latest version of the "Course Offering Proposal Template can be downloaded from Microsoft Teams in the "General" folder. A direct link to the folder is found here:

NOTE: The School SEC may request a copy of this template from the Area SEC if Microsoft Teams is inaccessible or connectivity issues exist.

Map out Course Offerings for each Year Level

Task Steward: School SEC

Key Resource: MS Excel

The School SEC should work together to map out the Course Offerings that will be available for each Grade Level in the upcoming school year. This can be a lengthy process if lots of changes are occurring in the upcoming school year. Be prepared to take up to a day or two to consult as a committee to "map out" and finalize your course offerings.

The "Course Offering Proposal Template" should be used to guide and record the outcome of this process. Generally speaking, each student should have:

  • 1x Seminary Credit
  • 5x External Exam Credits (including English)
  • 1x Certification or General Credit

Exceptions to this rule do exist depending on various factors including school vision, Ministry regulations, and Area direction. For example, many students doing TVET might have:

  • 1x Seminary Credit
  • 4x External Exam Credits (including English)
  • 2x Certification Credits (ie a double period of TVET)

Other exceptions may exist and should be reviewed and approved by the School SEC.

The latest version of the "Course Offering Proposal Template can be downloaded from Microsoft Teams in the "General" folder. A direct link to the folder is found here:

Submit the "Course Offering Proposal"

Task Steward: School SEC

Key Resource: MS Excel

Using a copy of the "Course Offering Proposal Template", submit your proposed Course Offerings to the Area SEC.  Send a copy of the completed spreadsheet to the Area SEC via email, or upload it directly to Microsoft Teams using your school's appointed communication channel.

The latest version of the "Course Offering Proposal Template" can be downloaded from Microsoft Teams in the "General" folder. A direct link to the folder is found here::

Approve the "Course Offering Proposal"

Task Steward: Area SEC

Key Resource: Microsoft Teams

Take time as the Area SEC to review and approve the "Course Offering Proposal". Provide feedback to the school if necessary. Upload the document to the appropriate MS Teams channel if it has not already been uploaded.