
At the end of each Term, HOD’s and School Administrators should be working with Teachers to ensure that their Gradebooks are correctly calculating the Final Grade for that particular Reporting Period.

The Final Grade Setup needs to be configured in the Teacher’s Gradebook. This article focuses on the Final Grade Setup report that can be used by Administrators to assess the status of the Grade Setup Tab in teacher gradebooks for every Class and every Teacher. In other words, follow the instructions in this article to find out which Teachers have not setup their grade book correctly.

NOTE: This report is only available to School Administrators and Office Staff.

Step By Step Guide

1. From the Start Page navigate to System Reports

2. Click on the Custom Reports tab

3. Click on the Grading tab

4. Select the report named: Final Grade Setups

5. By default the report will be ‘Paused’. Select the correct Filter Options before you ‘Un-Pause’ the report. In this example we will be checking the Term 1 setup for 2017. Please use these settings to ensure that the report runs correctly for T1 2017:

  • Course Term should be set to: 2017-2018 Y17
  • Store Code should be set to: T1
  • Department should be set to: All Departments (unless you would like to view a specific Department)
  • Course should be set to: All Departments (unless you would like to view a specific Course)
  • Teachers should be set to: All Teachers (unless you would like to view a specific Teacher)
  • Setup Type should be set to: Any Setup

6. When you are satisfied with the Filter Options, uncheck the Pause box.

7. The report results may take a few moments to load. Once they have loaded, the data will be sorted by Teacher and then by Course Name. In this example, in the first row we can see that the Teacher’s Year 07 English class has been setup correctly. The teacher has used Category Based Weighting using a ratio of:

40% Final Exam | 30% Formative Assessment | 30% Summative Assessment

8. The next example shows that one of the teachers has not yet setup the Category Based Weighting in Gradebook. The example shows that Total Points is still being used. This is not correct. Any rows still showing Total Points or Term Weights for T1 is incorrect and will need to be changed to Category Based Weighting in Gradebook.

NOTE: It is recommended that HOD’s and Administrators review this report to make sure that Gradebooks have been setup correctly. Where problems exist, the Teacher should be approached by the appropriate HOD or Administrator to fix the issue inside Gradebook.

9. The report can be run again at any moment to view the Final Grade Setup for other Terms also. For example, if Administrators and HOD’s wanted to make sure that Y17 was setup correctly with a Term Weights calculation, then they would change the Store Code at the top of the report to Y17.

Straight away in this example we can see that many of the teachers have not yet setup the Y17 Term. They may have setup the T1 Term correctly but have failed to also setup the Y17 Term. The example shows that some have left the setup at the default of Total Points. Others are using Category Based Weighting. And some are using Term Based Weighting. For the Y17 Term, Term Based Weighting (or Term Weights) is the correct setup.

Quick Recap

Use the Final Grade Setup report on the Custom Reports tab to check the Gradebook setup for all teachers.

1. Navigate to System Reports > Custom Reports > Grading > Final Grade Setup

2. Select the appropriate Course Term and Store Code

3. Uncheck the Pause box

4. Review the report and identify any teachers with an incorrect Gradebook setup