Before you can print the Honour Roll you first need to calculate the Honour Roll. Please use the following steps to calculate the honour roll.

1. From the PowerSchool Start Page scroll down to School Management.

2. On the Academics link click on Calculate Honour Roll.

3. Enter an appropriate Store Code in the field provided. This is usually a two-character value such as T1 or T2 to indicate the Reporting Period for which you would like to calculate the Honour Roll. T1 stands for Term 1 etc.

Note: The Store Code here is used as a label or tag. If you use the correct Store Code but the wrong Honour Roll Method then you will end up with an incorrect Honour Roll. Always be sure to use the correct Store Code and Honour Roll Method for the reporting period that you are trying to calculate. 

4. Select the appropriate Honour Roll Method. For example, if you are trying to calculate a Standard Honour Roll for Term 1 then you would select the Honour Roll Method named School Abbreviation + Term + Honour Roll. Please contact your PowerSchool Administrator if you are unsure about which Method to choose. The dropdown should only show the methods unique to your school.

5. Click Submit to calculate the honour roll for the specified reporting period.

Click here to return to the PowerSchool End of Term Reporting Process Flowchart