Scope and Vision
Q What is the purpose of the survey?
The main purpose of the survey is to find out how the Area Office can better support staff and teachers in their efforts to improve student learning. Another purpose is to understand how the Area Office can better support staff and faculty in their professional development.
The opinions and feedback provided by teachers and staff will help drive the development and improvement of training and support resources for the future.
Q Who is the survey for?
The 2020 School Faculty Survey is designed specifically for all staff and faculty of Pacific Church Schools. It is a great opportunity for teachers and staff to provide confidential feedback that will help improve Church Schools.
Q How will the survey be conducted?
This survey will be conducted online. If you are struggling with the internet, and would like to fill out a paper version of the survey instead, please contact the Area Office who will do it's best to support you.
Q When will the survey be available?
The survey is launching throughout Pacific Church Schools on Monday 28 September 2020. It will run for two weeks until Monday 12 October 2020.
Q What types of questions will be asked?
The survey contains a series of multi-choice questions and open-ended questions for a variety of topics relating to teaching, learning, and professional development in Church Schools. Other topics include: Communication, English, PLC's, ITEP, and Educational Technology.
Taking the Survey
Q How do I access the survey?
A personal invitation to participate in the survey will be sent to you via email on Monday 28 September 2020. The email will be titled: 2020 School Faculty Survey Invitation
Q What should I do if I didn't receive an email invitation to participate in the survey?
If you do not notice an email, please check your Junk folder or your Other folder to see if it was sent there accidentally. If you are still having problems with finding the survey invitation, please contact Jeremy Higgins who will help give you access:
Q How long will it take to complete the survey?
With a good internet connection, the survey should take 30-60 minutes to complete, and should be done so on paid company time. We have tested the survey with staff and faculty from the islands who have confirmed that it can be completed within 30-60 minutes or less.
Q Do I have to complete the survey all at once?
No. If you cannot finish the survey in one session, you can return to it later. Each page of the survey is automatically saved as it is completed. If you need to close your device and want to come back to the survey later, just refresh your browser, or relaunch the survey from the linked that was emailed to you.
Q Do I have to take the survey?
No. Survey participation is optional. We do however, encourage employees to share their personal opinions and feedback. Your insights are tremendously valuable as we consider our strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities for improvement.
Q What should I do if I have internet connection problems?
We apologize in advance for any staff or faculty that experience internet connectivity issues when filling out this survey. As mentioned above, the survey does not have to be completed in one sitting. You can stop and start the survey as needed and your progress will be saved. If you continue to experience internet issues and can not complete the survey, please feel free to request a paper version or simply leave the survey unfinished. We are very understanding of your local struggles with technology.
Confidentiality and Privacy
Q Is the survey really confidential?
Yes. Your responses will be kept completely confidential. The survey deliberately does not collect your name or contact details or ask any questions that will identify you as an individual.
Q How will the survey responses be analyzed?
Employee responses will be grouped together and combined with others before any data is shared with the Area Office or Church School faculty. Even though we use your email address to distribute the survey invitation, your email address will not be linked to your responses.
Q Who will have access to the results?
The Area Office Schools Team is responsible for the data collected, but a summary of the results will be provided to staff and faculty once the data has been received and analyzed.
Q What happens if I share a concern about employee health and safety?
If a health or safety concern is raised, HR may need to investigate. However, because we won't collect individual names or contact details in this survey, we encourage you to contact the Church Schools HR team directly if you have a grievance, or health and safety concern to report: