
If a student is attending school but is still owing school fees 28 days after school starts, an “Enrolment Hold” process should be initiated. If overdue fees have been identified, an “Enrolment Hold Notice” should be issued to the parents of the student, notifying them that their child is unable to attend school until their school account is settled. They should also be informed that the “Enrolment Hold” period will be cancelled as soon as the account is settled. For more information about collecting overdue fees, see the article titled: What is the process for collecting overdue fees?


During the period of time that a student’s enrolment is on hold, office staff are required to mark students with a special attendance code in PowerSchool. This code acts as a ‘tag’ in PowerSchool to notify teachers and staff of the student’s circumstances. Teachers are not required to mark a student’s attendance while their enrolment is on hold. This function is to be taken care of by the office staff.


The remainder of this article demonstrates how school office staff can mark students with the Enrolment Hold code. To identify students with overdue fees, please see the article titled: Identifying Students with Overdue Fees.

Step By Step Guide

1. On the Start Page, search for and select a student.


2. After selecting a student, you will be redirected to the Student Pages. On the left-hand navigation menu, under the Academics section, choose Enter Attendance from the student pages menu. 

3. You will be redirected to the Edit Meeting Attendance page. Select the Enrolment Hold code from the Current attendance code drop-down menu.


4. With the Enrolment Hold code selected, simply click in the attendance code field for each period where the Enrolment Hold code should be activated. It may be a good idea to mark multiple days at once so that office staff do not have to repeat the process daily. The code can always be cleared afterwards if the Enrolment Hold is lifted earlier than expected. Click Submit when complete to save the changes.

NOTE: The page displayed above is not accessible to Teachers – only to office staff. However, when a Teacher logs in to mark attendance, they will be able to see when an EH code has been already entered by the office and can skip any student with an EH code when marking attendance.