When Log Entries are submitted by Teachers, an email notification is automatically sent to Administrators to alert them of the new record. Administrators can view any Log Entry created by a Teacher as well as add additional notes or information in relation to the incident. This guide explains how an Administrator can use to update or modify any existing Log Entries.


1. When a Log Entry is created by a Teacher, an email is automatically sent to a Log Entry Designee. The Designee is typically an Administrator that oversees discipline. The automated email will look something like the screenshot shown below. It will contain the name of the Student, a Subject/Title, the name of the Teacher who submitted the Log Entry, and a Description of the incident.

2. Once an email has been received, the Administrator should log into PowerSchool and then search for and select the student in question. Once the student has been selected, the Administrator can then click on the Log Entries page (found on the left-hand navigation pane) to view any new or existing logs.

3. On the Log Entry screen, any teacher-initiated log entries will be listed with the Teacher’s name as a prefix to the Log Description. Simply click on the Date to view or modify additional details relating to the record.

4. The Administrator should populate or modify the details of the Log Entry where required. At a minimum the Log Type, Subtype and Consequence should be populated.

5. To save any changes made, click on the blue Submit button at the bottom of the page.


1. Administrators will automatically be sent an email when Log Entries are submitted by Teachers.

2. To view new or existing Log Entries an Administrator should log in to PowerSchool, then search for an select the student in question.

3. Once a student has been selected, navigate to the Log Entries page.

4. Click on the Date to review a specific Log Entry.

5. Review/modify the Log Entry details as required.

6. Save your changes.